First, Brother Anthony's:
For one chrysanthemum to bloom
the nightingale
must have wept like that since spring.
For one chrysanthemum to bloom
the thunder
must have rolled like that in sombre clouds
Chrysanthemum! You look like my sister
standing before her mirror, just back
from far away, far away byways of youth,
where she was racked with longing and lack.
For your yellow petals to bloom
the frost must have come down like that last night
and I was not able to get to sleep.
And here is my translation. I'm only halfway through, and I have blank verse in mind.
Perhaps it was for a Chrysanthemum
The Cuckoo started singing so in spring.
Perhaps it was for a Chrysanthemum
ThethunderThunder rolled so in dark clouds. (01-13-09)
Sweet Flower! my sister do I see in you,
My sister, having left the lonely path
Of bygone youth behind,
With all its heartaches, missing and longing for,
Now standing before her looking glass.
Perhaps it was for yellow petals of yours to bloomIt hailedHail was falling so last night
AndI was keptkept me awake.

Ah! this picture is as I remember him when I saw him before I left Korea.
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